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The following professionals can assess and treat Mental Health disorders (i.e., depression, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, OCD, anxiety disorder, AD(H)D, eating disorders, etc.) based on an integrative medical approach. Integrative medicine for mental health is a whole body approach utilizing multiple fields of medicine and nutritional sciences. The goal is to help patients regain mental wellness through the use of individualized metabolic testing, nutritional therapies, dietary interventions, along with traditional medical treatments, including medications and psychotherapy.

IMMH clinicians are healthcare professionals who have attended and received training at an IMMH conference. This list does not imply any type of "certification" or guarantee of the level of skill, knowledge, or experience. Further research into the scope of practice and experience of individual clinicians listed is highly recommended. Please contact us if you need assistance with the registry.

If you are an integrative practitioner who would like to be added to our searchable Clinician Registry, you will need to attend at least one annual IMMH conference. After attending the conference, you may then submit your information to be included in the registry. For details about the annual IMMH conference, click on the "2015 Conference" tab at the top of this page.

2016 Conference

This international conference will explore the field of Integrative Medicine in the treatment of mental health, autism, and related disorders. The current trial-and-error, poly-pharmacy approach to the treatment of psychiatric disorders may not work for everyone. Research studies have revealed that many disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, and autism spectrum disorders often have dietary and biological causes which contribute to symptoms. Patients have better outcomes when these causes are successfully addressed and treated through a combination of specialized testing and nutritional therapies, even in combination with traditional approaches.




Recorded Webinars

About Us

Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMH) supports a whole body approach to mental health disorders, utilizing multiple fields of medicine and nutritional sciences. We educate practitioners about how to help their patients regain mental wellness through the use of individualized metabolic testing, nutritional therapies, and dietary interventions. These methods can be used in conjunction with traditional medical approaches like psychotherapy. Relevant laboratory analysis is used to evaluate and treat underlying biomedical issues which may include nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, infections, toxicities, and genetic disorders. By focusing on an individual's unique genetic, biochemical, and nutritional status, customized treatment plans can be implemented to provide better wellness outcomes.

The mission of IMMH is to advance the knowledge of mental health practitioners about integrative medicine and improve the treatment of mental health disorders utilizing a whole body approach. IMMH is committed to educating mental health professionals in the use of research-based therapies through conferences, webinars, newsletters, and other web-based resources to provide an ever-growing resource of integrative mental health practitioners for those seeking help in their geographic areas.

Scientific Advisory Panel

James M. Greenblatt

Doctor of Medicine

James M. Greenblatt, M.D. is a dually board-certified child and adult psychiatrist and is the Founder and Medical Director of Comprehensive Psychiatric Resources, an integrative psychiatry practice. Dr. Greenblatt received his medical degree and completed his adult psychiatry residency at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and completed a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Dr. Greenblatt is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Tufts University Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. For over 20 years, Dr. Greenblatt has been a leader in Integrative Medicine, lecturing throughout North America on the scientific evidence for nutritional treatments in psychiatry and eating disorders.

William Shaw

Doctor of Philosophy

William Shaw, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. in biochemistry and human physiology from the Medical University of South Carolina. He is board certified in the fields of clinical chemistry and toxicology by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. Dr. Shaw has supervised large endocrinology, nutritional biochemistry, toxicology, and immunology departments in positions at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Smith Kline Laboratories in Atlanta, GA. As the Director of The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. for Health, Nutrition and Metabolism in Lenexa, Kansas, he specializes in providing diagnostic tools that aid in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders, mitochondrial disorders, neurological diseases, chronic health issues, and immune diseases.

Kurt Woeller

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Kurt Woeller, D.O. has been an autism biomedical specialist and complementary medicine physician since 1998. He is an author, lecturer, clinical practitioner and medical director for Sunrise Center for Complementary Medicine, in Temecula, CA. offering specialized testing for individuals with complex medical conditions like autism, mental health disorders, Lyme Disease and neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. Dr. Woeller serves as a clinical consultant for Great Plains Laboratory providing patient and physician education through training programs and monthly webinars. Dr. Woeller has lectured nationwide regarding the benefits of biomedical therapies for autism, as well as maintaining an extensive educational resource for parents on his membership website at and free video blog site at

Louis Cady

Doctor of Medicine

Louis Cady, M.D. straddles the world between science and art. Trained first as a classical pianist, he obtained two degrees, with honors, from the Conservatory of Music of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, before obtaining his medical degree in 1989 from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. He then trained in psychiatry at the world-famous Mayo Clinic, beginning his practice of child, adolescent, adult, and forensic psychiatry in Evansville, Indiana in 1993. Dr. Cady's main clinical focus is in helping patients achieve total wellness and optimum levels of performance through the integration of mind and body for peak performance, using all possible healing options in the scientific and medical literature, including nutritional supplements and hormonal optimization. Dr. Cady founded the Cady Wellness Institute, which opened in its new facilities in Evansville on July 1, 2005.
